People are taking their business online through internet and are earning good money by doing online marketing. It is also a part of Online Marketing. If you have a little knowledge about Online Marketing then you must have heard about Affiliate Marketing.
It has been learned from a study that since COVID, there has been a jump of 50% to 60% in it, due to which people are increasingly moving towards it.
The craze of online shopping is increasing among people with time. People are earning more money than Google Ads through AM.
In this article, I have also told the step by step process and how to start it. Apart from this, how to earn money from it and its benefits have also been explained.
If you read this article with a good understanding and follow the process given in it, then you too can easily earn maximum money by doing sitting at home. Let us come to the point considering time as important.

What is Affiliate Marketing and how does it work
It is only a part of Online Marketing. Through this Marketing, any person can promote and sell a company’s product online, in return for which he gets a commission. The commission items received from Affiliate Programme can be more or less according to the category.
You too can earn good money sitting at home by doing this type of Marketing. If you have a website, then you can do promoting any type of products through the website. But for this it is very important to have good traffic on your website.
If there is a lot of traffic on your website, then you will get Approval for Affiliate Programme. But if your website is new and traffic comes less, then first of all you have to increase traffic on your website.
You have come to know that what is it and how it works. If you do not know, then let me tell you. There are many such Product Based Companies who want to promote their product so that the sale of their product will increase. For this reason, he runs it.
When a person or blogger joins this Program, then the company running that program provides Link or Banner etc. to that person. So that person can add Link or Banner to their website while promoting their products.
When daily good traffic comes on that person’s website, then some visitors on his website get redirected to the website of that product company by clicking on the link or banner. When a Visitor signs up on that website or purchases that product, then in return some Percentage Commission is given to that person by the company.

How To Do : Step By Step Process
Now that you have come to know what Affiliate Marketing is and how it works, you must be wondering how this is done. People who are associated with Online Marketing will also have knowledge about this kind of Marketing.
Because many people are generating good income from A.M. If you also want to generate income by doing Marketing but you do not know how to start , then let me tell you the complete process.
There are many companies that run Affiliate Programs on the Internet, such as Amazon, Flip Kart, Bluehost, Click Bank, Go Daddy etc. You can join the Affiliate Program of any of these companies.
Joining Affiliate Program is not a difficult task if you read this article well then you will not face any problem in joining Affiliate Program.
If you have knowledge about Blogging then you can start by creating a website. Let me tell you the step by step process of joining Amazon Affiliate Program through Blog Website. which is like this-
As I told you that if you want to do through Blogging then you must have a website. If you do not have a website and you are wondering how to create a website, then let me tell you.
To create a website, first of all you have to choose Niche for your website. Because many website owners do not know the Niche of their website, they start working by creating a website without selecting any Niche. Because of which there is a problem in ranking their website in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). That’s why you first decide the Niche of your website.
After selecting the Niche, you have to decide the Domain Name for the website. Domain Name is the address of a website that people can reach your website by searching on Search Engine. That’s why you should choose a unique domain name. If you want, you can also take a domain name on your name to make your name a brand.
Along with taking the domain, Web Hosting is also purchased. Web Hosting works to keep your website’s data online 24/7 on the Internet. So that visitors can get the necessary information by coming to your website with the help of Internet. There are many Web Hosting Companies on the Internet, some of which also provide Domain in Web Hosting Company Free. If you are a beginner blogger, then I would recommend you to take hosting from Hostinger because its hosting is cheap as well as very good.
When you create a website by taking Domain and Web Hosting and go to WordPress Website’s Dashboard and install Theme etc. and set it up well. So you will have to work on that website for some time, publish Blog Post and also have to SEO Optimize the entire website.
If you want to apply for Amazon Affiliate . So when 5000 Page Views Per Month starts coming on your website then only you can apply for Amazon Affiliate . Because if Page Views are less then Amazon Company does not give Approval to such website.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing
You know what is it and how to start it, but do you know what are the benefits of this programme. If you do not know, then let me tell you what are the benefits of doing this. These benefits are as follows-
- If you register in this kind of programmes, then you do not have to pay any fees for this.
- It is not necessary to have a website for this. You can also do it easily through YouTube Channel and Social Media Platforms.
- It is very easy to create Affiliate Links and you can easily share them on Social Media Platforms.
- You can do it sitting at home with the help of your Laptop or Mobile.
- For this, you can choose the Company and Product as per your wish.
- You do not need any experience for it.
As you read this article, what is it and how to apply for Amazon Affiliate Program. Apart from Amazon Company, you can also apply for Affiliate Program of any other company.
But before applying, you should get good information about that company because the requirements of all companies are different. Keeping these Requirements in mind, you should apply for it.
I have told you in this article how you can do it by creating a Blog Website. If you want, you can also do it through YouTube Channel.
If you do it by creating a website, then you can also earn money through Google Adsense and if you do Affiliate Marketing by creating a YouTube Channel, then you can also generate income from YouTube.
But if you do it with the help of any Social Media Platform, then you will not have any separate Earning, only you will get commission instead of selling the product from the company.
I have told in this article that what is it and how it works. Along with this, I have also told the benefits of it.
I hope you have liked this article of mine, if you have found this article helpful, then you must share it with the needy people.
When I was researching on the Internet what is Affiliate Marketing, I saw that people related to it had many questions and problems. Out of which I have given answers to some important questions in this article. Which are like this.
Q.1 How much commission is available in this marketing?
Ans : In Affiliate Market, when you get the product of a company sold, then that company gives you commission according to the category of the product. All Product Based Companies give commission according to different categories of their products.
Q.2 Is it free to join Affiliate Program of any company?
Ans : Yes, joining the Affiliate Program of any company is absolutely free, for this you do not have to make any payment.
Q.3 Is experience necessary for doing it?
Ans : If you are thinking that you need experience to join Affiliate Program, then I would like to tell you that it is not so at all. You do not need any experience for Affiliate Program, all you have to do is sell the company’s products. For which you have to bring maximum traffic to your website so that visitors can know about the product and sell it.
Really enjoyed this blog. Much thanks again. Great. Josee Michail Gurl
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